WFH for an undetermined amount of time
So, the coronavirus outbreak is now officially a pandemic. The FT has decided that it would be better for the staff to start working from home and to not come into the office at all. I was massively impressed at how the company has approached this in a very proactive way. Staff with their health (physical and mental) is considered high up the agenda.
Good habits to adhere to while working from home
- Do schedule breaks in the calendar. It's too convenient to get self-absorbed into work and forget having mental, hydration or even toilet breaks!
- Try and keep a routine similar to how it would be if you were going to the office.
- I regularly get coffee near work, so keep doing this but with the nearest café.
- Take a walk at lunch time.
- Schedule face-time with colleagues and turn on webcams and talk away. Ask about everything so that it becomes more inclusive and not isolating.
- Do regular exercise without the need of using facilities like the gym.
- If your work uses a chat/collaboration tool, consider setting your status the working hours so that a clear boundary is set.
- Lastly, don't work in your pyjamas! 😂
I have a feeling that this will turn into months, not weeks until the world has gotten this under control, and I'm very confident that we will get to that point at some undetermined time. It makes me realise how fragile life really is, and how we should cherish it with every passing moment, detail and experience.
Until then 👋
13 March 2020Return to home