Three things that I learnt
I went to see Wonka at the cinema on Sunday with Kit. One of the remarks Kit made was there was a collection of noises throughout the film… which had an adult telling a child to get off his phone playing games, via text message in the cinema. Another group chucking popcorn in the air to try and swallow it. Needless to say they weren't that successful. Lastly it also included me snoring during a quiet period of the film 🤣🤣🤣. The film was pretty good, heart-warming and very much watchable. James' rating: 7/10, and Kit's rating is 8/10.
Newsletter Self-service work continues at work, and it shows me how many requests that Alessandro was getting regularly before he moved on, and the team has started to realise the impact of that. It makes me more interested/motivated to try and knock the self-service part of the Newsletters to be completed and then that will reduce the requests which would enable the team to do more feature work instead of minutiae changes every day in the week.
I had a 1:1 this morning with my mentor Matt Chadburn today and he has suggested doing a monthly post covering three things that I've learnt then so… I'll be creating a new section on this site to accommodate for that. It certainly was thought provoking that I didn't really consider what I had learnt last year and having to document it somewhere.
I'll write about the implementation of that new category of notes and how I changed it around to be more scalable with the current engineering implementation that I have for this site currently as it's not scalable.
Until then 👋
2 February 2024Return to home